Specialty Chapters

The Womens Suffrage and Political Issues Chapter

Background: This mission of the WSAPIC chapter is to explore the history and background of political memorabilia that was created to advertise or support women's political issues.

Publications: The chapter publishes The Clarion newsletter, which is dedicated to identifying the history and information relating to women's political memorabilia. For example, the newsletter has pictured collections of suffrage ceramics and suffrage toys. Members have submitted photos of items from their collections which have been published from time to time. The campaigns of Shirley Chisholm and Hillary Clintion have been reviewed, and materials relating to The League of Women Voters have been discussed.

Various interesting articles have been published in the newsletter in the past. These include:

  • The Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association
  • The Men's League for Woman Suffrage
  • The Campaign of 1915
  • The Actress Franchise League
  • The Housewives League
  • The Irish Woman Suffrage Movement
  • The Stars and What They Mean
  • The Suffrage Colors
  • The Clarion Series
  • The Suffrage First Items
  • Ballots for Both Items
  • Opposition to Womens Suffrage

Note that back issues containing these articles are available for $4.00 each. Contact Ronnie Lapinsky Sax for details.

ERA - The Equal Rights Amendment Project: This publication was printed in the summer of 2001. It is an unmatched, comprehensive collection of material that has taken years to amass. The project includes color photos of over 470 different pins, a variety of ERA ephemera, historical timeline perspectives from both the pro-ERA and anti-ERA positions, as well as other relevant facts and tidbits of information. Each item has been numbered, setting a new standard for cause material, and remarks have been included on virtually all items. The first publication contains more than 40 pages. A 2nd edition is in the works. This edition will follow the same format, and will include over 50 new items to the project. It will also include recent ERA history as well as some 3-dimensional items previously unrecorded. A publication date has not been confirmed yet.

Dues: Membership in WSAPIC is $15.00 per calendar year which includes The Clarion newsletter. Should you have any questions about this membership in this chapter or about the publications, please contact Ronnie Lapinsky-Sax at Suffrage@APIC.US or call 1-800-455-6622 extension 6368 (M-F business hours), or contact Chris Hearn at hearncb@megapipe.net or call 703-777-7181. To join, make a check for $15.00 payable to WSAPIC and mail to Tom Keefe, 380 New Scotland Ave., Albany, NY 12208

APIC member #1504 Kenneth Florey has created a new website:


that has a wealth of information about the suffrage movement that should be of interest to collectors and scholars.

Ken has also written a new book about the topic. Information on how to obtain his book is available on his website. Click here to access this new website.

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