Keynoter Publications

Keynoter 2003 - Winter - Issue 4

2003 | Volume Winter | Issue 4
"Al Smith's Crowd." (A speech by U. S. Senator Thomas J. Heflin Democrat-Alabama), delivered on the floor of the Senate on January 18, 1928
"Taft Out---Wilson In" A rememberance by Ike Hoover
1928: The General Election
A Catholic for President?
Al Smith after 1928
Collecting History The Lost Item and Other Favorites
Early Al Smith Buttons
FDR Clocks Part 5: The Search Continues
First Steps Charles Dawes: Early Memorabilia of National Party Nominees for President and Vice President
Herbert Hoover Trivia
Hoover and Smith The Campaign of 1928
Hoover and Smith: the Coattail Candidates
Political Campaign Styles: The National League of Republican Clubs and the National Association Of Democratic Clubs
The "Lets Go" Button Returns
The 1928 Primaries
The Running Mates: Charles Curtis and Joe Robinson
Willie Wanted Stevenson
Willie Wanted Stevenson (Bill Mauldin