Keynoter Publications

Keynoter 2000 - Winter - Issue 3

2000 | Volume Winter | Issue 3
"The Early Bird": Phil Crane for President '80 (A Keynoter interview by Richard Rector)
1960: A New Frontier by a Thin Margin
1976: Rule 16C
A Century Ago: Collecting Political Americana in 1900 Article submitted by Joe Brown
Azerbaiijan: Harry Holds That Line
Bush/Cheney 1992
Clement L. Vallandigham: Exiled Candidate for Governor of Ohio
Even Harding's Front-porch Photo was Flawed
How Close Was It? (1960 Election)
Joe Lieberman of Connecticut
President Ford's # 48 Retired (reprinted from the University of Michigan paper)
Recording History: Presidnet Gerald Ford and the Edison Project
The Ford-for- Congress Quonset Hut
The WIN Button