Keynoter Publications

Keynoter 1987 - Spring - Issue 1

1987 | Volume Winter | Issue 1
"Vote As You Shot" General Grant's Last Campaign
APIC POSTCARD PROJECT (features 1908 memorabilia)
APIC SHEET MUSIC PROJECT (features 1908 and 1912 memorabilia)
Dating Jackson Historical China
Ed Potter (obituary)
Ohio's George H. Pendleton-1868 Democratic Hopeful
The Great Taft Rally at Brook, Indiana-September 23, 1908
The Hopefuls of 1908 and 1912
The Story Behind the Button: The Groundhogs of Virginia
The Story Behind the Handbill
Third Parties
Unusual Taft Items
William Howard Taft-The Lighter Side-Excerpted from Presidential Anecdotes, Oxford University Press, 1981
William Howard Taft-The Road to the Whitehouse