APIC-APPA MERGE! (MERGER OF THE AMERICA POLITICAL ITEM COLLECTORS AND APPA) (Printed in the Standard Magazine -The Standard Magazine was the Magazine of the Combined APIC-APPA) |
Bobby's Campaigners: Where Are They Now? (Printed in the Standard Magazine -The Standard Magazine was the Magazine of the Combined APIC-APPA) |
Now and Then-A Case of Beginner's Luck (Printed in the Standard Magazine -The Standard Magazine was the Magazine of the Combined APIC-APPA) |
RFK Remembered (Printed in the Standard Magazine -The Standard Magazine was the Magazine of the Combined APIC-APPA) |
Robert F. Kennedy: The Senator From New York (Printed in the Standard Magazine -The Standard Magazine was the Magazine of the Combined APIC-APPA) |
Robert Kennedy: The Last Campaign (Printed in the Standard Magazine -The Standard Magazine was the Magazine of the Combined APIC-APPA) |